Sebastián Balbín

Lawyer, Universidad de Buenos Aires
PhD Law, Universidad Austral
Master in Corporate Law, Universidad Austral

Since 1990, he has been privately practicing the profession in corporate law, insolvency and bankruptcy law, corporate reorganization, resolution of corporate disputes, contracts and mergers and acquisitions, representing different companies within the service, industry, finance, pharmaceutical, postal, graphic media and textile sectors, amongst others.

He has been a university professor since 1992. He is currently an Associate Professor of Corporate Law at the Law School of the Universidad Austral; Visiting professor for the dictating of classes in the Master of Corporate Law of the Universidad Austral; Visiting Professor for the teaching of classes in the Master of Corporate Law of the Catholic University of Asunción, Paraguay; and Visiting professor in the Ph.D. in Law from the University of San Carlos, Guatemala, for Guatemala and Honduras.

He is Sub-Director of the Corporate Law Department of the Universidad Austral and Executive Co-Director of the Argentine Magazine of Corporate Law.

Among his most important books are: Ley General de Sociedades anotada y concordada, Cathedra Jurídica, Buenos Aires, 2016; Práctica y Estrategia. Sociedades y Concursos, La Ley, Buenos Aires, 2016; Manual de Derecho Societario, 2ª edición, Abeledo-Perrot, Buenos Aires, 2016; Tratado de Derecho Comercial y Empresario, tomos I, II, III y IV (para la obra Tratado de Derecho Comercial y Empresario de Gómez Leo), Abeledo-Perrot, Buenos Aires, 2013; Apuntes de Derecho Societario, IJ Editores, Buenos Aires, 2012; Curso de Derecho de las Sociedades Comerciales, Ad-Hoc, Buenos Aires, 2010; Sociedades Comerciales -parte general-, para la obra Tratado Teórico Práctico de Derecho Comercial, de Fernández y Gómez Leo, t. V-A, Lexis Nexis, Buenos Aires, 2008; Acción Social de Responsabilidad contra el Directorio, Ad-Hoc, Buenos Aires, 2006; y Quiebra y Responsabilidad de Administradores y Terceros, Ad-Hoc, Buenos Aires (1ra. Ed. 2005; 2da. Ed. 2008).

He has also collaborated in numerous publications, including: Tratado de Derecho Civil y Comercial, t. IX, Director Andrés Sánchez Herrero, La Ley, 2017; Contabilidad y Estados Contables, Código Civil y Comercial Glosado, t. II, Director General Alterini Jorge, La Ley, 2015; Algunos principios del derecho societario a la luz de los precedentes de la CSJN, para máximos precedentes de derecho comercial, t. II, direc. Pablo Heredia, La Ley, 2015; La reforma de la Ley de Sociedades Comerciales 19.550 por la Ley 26.994 de reforma y unificación del Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación, para Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación comentado, direc. Julio César Rivera, y Graciela Medina, La Ley, 2014; e Historia del derecho concursal argentino, para Tratado de Derecho Comercial, t. IX, direc. Ernesto Martorell, 2010.

In addition, Dr. Balbin is the author of innumerable articles on corporate matters, corporate management responsibility and insolvency and bankruptcy law.

Languages: Spanish, English