Horacio Félix Alais

Lawyer, Universidad Católica Argentina
PhD Law, Universidad Austral

From 1982 and throughout ten years, he worked in several areas of the National Administration of Customs, by advocating for it before different administrative and jurisdictional agencies, until he moved into the private sector in 1992 ( he had worked as chief counsel of the legal department of the Interior Secretary).

He works as Law Lecturer at Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Universidad Austral, and Fundación de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Comerciales.

His major publications include: “Delitos Aduaneros” (ediciones Lerner, 1983); “Los procedimientos aduaneros en el proceso de integración Latinoamericano” (Fundación Altos Estudios en Ciencias Comerciales, 1992); “Zonas Francas” (in cooperation with Dra. Susy Bello Knoll, Editorial Depalma, 1998), and “Los Principios del Derecho Aduanero” (Ediciones Marcial Pons, 2008).

Languages: Spanish, French